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  • Preferred option
    6 Monthly Payments6x $740.00
  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full - Savings of 10%$4000.00

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Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt.

What Happens After Payment?

You'll be sent an email with your login details and next instructions. ‍

  • Total payment
  • 1xLegacy, The Leadership Experience$0

All prices in USD

In this 6-month transformational Group Coaching Program, each week you will get:

  • Mindset Coaching & Motivation every Monday morning LIVE in the LEGACY Leadership Community - Motivation & Inspiration to support and help you set your intentions at the beginning of each week! 

  • Tools to help you embody the leader you want to BE! Training on 12 necessary, leading-edge Leadership Tools to succeed in your business & your life! 

  • LIVE Leadership Group Coaching Weekly - come prepared with your questions. Nothing is off-limits! 

  • Membership and Mastermind in a community of ambitious, driven women like no other around - When you jump in fully it is guaranteed to change your business and your life!

What members are saying...

"It’s the best decision I’ve made for MYSELF, in a very long time. I love all the exceptional content and tools you provide to truly live my life by design."
Natalie L.
"Growth is not meant to be done alone. I decided I would no longer operate as a ‘lone wolf’. It was not getting me where I wanted to go. As a successful woman, I wanted to partner with a smart, driven, ambitious coach. This is what I got from Julie. Julie helped me grow, expand, face my fears and change and I am forever grateful to her for investing in me."
Kerry B.
